Kafka as source for Flume

We are re-platforming a monolithic application into microservices, on the transition phase the services will be added incrementally and the monolithic app will be retired once all services are in place. To achieve the goal, we had to set up a real-time event processing model for syncing the data store.

Spring cache abstraction using Redis

1. Overview

This post will focus on integrating the Redis with the Spring Boot application to leverage the declarative annotation based caching support provided by the Spring cache abstraction.

Using Hibernate SessionFactory in Spring Boot App

To autowire Hibernate SessionFactory in the Spring Boot application, the SpringSessionContext - implementation of the Hibernate’s CurrentSessionContext interface - can be used.

Loading Multiple Version of the Same Class

There comes a time we are forced to use multiple version of a library in the project. The Java system classloader will load a specific class only once. To load different implementation of a class reside in different versions of JAR file, we can make use of java.net.URLClassLoader.